I had really wavy hair and both sides the ends flip up and i hate that. i hate my hair period. But i always straighten it but i have the suckiest flat iron ever invented. i just cant get a new one right now. its a stupid conair cheap one. anyhelp on how to tame my stipud hair and make it look cute? its about shoulder length with short bangs to the side. oh and layers! i jus wanna have a good hair day. for once. sorry there is no pic i have no good ones to show my hair.How to straighten my crazy hair with a bad flat iron?
OMG!! you just described my hair..no kidding!! And I do straighten it, but I use anti-frizz spray, form Neutrogena. It's really good it calms down my hair when I straighten it, first it turns out stiff..Then it gradually softens down, and my hair looks like naturally straight hair...
When you go to bed, it fully calms down giving your hair this reallllyyy cute look, plus your hair looks veryyyy natural..
You aren't alone.:DlolHow to straighten my crazy hair with a bad flat iron?
straightening your hair will go alot better if you use a flat iron spray before you straighten it. this will help to get rid of the frizz and make it look more sleek and polished. you can get a flat iron spray or thermal spray at any salon or store near you. hope i helped!
take a shower (or just wash your hair), then blowdry it straight with a blowdryer and a hairbrush. then flat iron it.
first thing is that you shouldnt be using an iron, i used to do this for a long time when i was young, best thing is to use a hot oil at least once a week for a couple of weeks, this will help to calm the hair, also try some hot straight or jus some hair serum
its also worth getting some ghds, very costly but alot better than irons xx
try separating your hair into small sections and glide the straightener through your hair a few times spending more time on the ends where you seem to be having the problem and finish it off with some hair spray to keep your hair from frizzing... i hope i've helped you in some way... good luck!!!
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